2024-05-19 08:18:53
Let Me Know – My blog

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultrices, turpis eu semper tempor, mi nisi iaculis lectus, ut volutpat sapien leo eu neque. Phasellus non lacinia, vel posuere mauris. Ut blandit rutrum viverra. Donec consequat imperdiet tellus vel ullamcorper. Cras nisi arcu, luctus quis tortor at, dictum ornare libero. Nunc pulvinar sollicitudin faucibus. Sed convallis nunc et velit congue, nec vulputate sem volutpat.

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Using the power of “Let Me Know”, customers are able to be as specific as they want with what kind of tickets they are looking for, whether it be the section, teams, price, all three, and more. Let Me Know allows for maximum custimization for the consumer, and sends them a text once the exact tickets are available.


“Let Me Know” allows customers to pick out the artists they like and notify them when the come out with new albums or songs, and all right through their messaging app, and having the ability to get a download to the song right in their message thread.

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When traveling, lots of different companies have different ways about giving you the tickets online, but with “Let Me Know”, everything can stay consistent. With the amount of customization that we have to offer, you are able to pick all of the options that you would normally have, but get the results sent right to your phone.