2024-05-18 22:04:53
Make An Offer – My blog

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultrices, turpis eu semper tempor, mi nisi iaculis lectus, ut volutpat sapien leo eu neque. Phasellus non lacinia, vel posuere mauris. Ut blandit rutrum viverra. Donec consequat imperdiet tellus vel ullamcorper. Cras nisi arcu, luctus quis tortor at, dictum ornare libero. Nunc pulvinar sollicitudin faucibus. Sed convallis nunc et velit congue, nec vulputate sem volutpat.

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Top iPhone


With “Make an Offer”, we give merchants of all sizes the ability to sell all of their items using Send2Mobile+. Customers are able to request a price on an item with something like a clearance item, and allow the merchant to see what prices the customers would pay, rather than wait and lose money.


Crowdfunding platforms evolving to something most startups use as a first stop shop for money, it would make perfect sense to allow customers to offer a certain amount of money right through their messages, and get a reply with their choices of rewards, expanding the audience of who can help support.

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Bottom iPhone


Auctions in the E-Commerce space have always been limited to being on desktop platforms, or though a designated app. With Send2Mobile+ and “Make an Offer”, there is no longer a need for a designated app, being able to use any phone’s messaging app to participate in any online auction, while still being able to see exactly what your bidding for in real time.